Among the children, adolescents and young women who are not above 18 years of age, the existing child laws of the country, 2014; According to the provisions of the Women and Children Repression Prevention Act, 2000 and under the provisions of the Rehabilitation and Rehabilitation (Person) Rehabilitation Act, 2011 and other relevant laws, they are retrieved from different brothels and other places with the help of the local police department and their registration and security is ensured. . If any girl of the mentioned class comes to the center of her pregnancy or child with a baby in the womb, the child will also be able to stay in a coordinated center as a resident of the mother and enjoy the facilities available at the center. In order to rehabilitate the mentioned children, the authorities will be able to consult any other suitable arrangements if they wish to consult with the mothers.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS